Sheffield Council’s new lead for tackling fly tipping, Councillor Paul Wood, has pledged a war on tackling fly tipping across the city.


The council has put additional investment in tackling fly tipping over recent years including installing CCTV cameras in fly tipping hotspots, and there has been an increase in fixed penalty notices given out last year. They are portable cameras.


Councillor Wood said more money and enforcement to help tackle the problem and new Local Area Committees, and Safer Neighbourhood Wardens would be key to tackling the issue


The council has also extended opening times for our Household Waste Recycling Centres so all of the sites will be open for 7 days a week from the beginning of April.


Councillor Paul Wood, said: “We need to increase the enforcement, take a zero tolerance stance and declare war on fly tipping.


“Staff currently dealing with this could be doing something else far more beneficial and useful than picking up fly tipping. Fly tipping is very high on my agenda.


“It is damaging to the environment and damaging to wildlife – it is dangerous to wildlife – and a lot of it takes place off the main roads.”


“We know how frustrated people are about this and I would say to people flytipping, have some consideration for the rest of the city and be aware if you are caught you will be punished for it.”


Councillor Paul Wood has pledged to get tough on fly tipping
Councillor Paul Wood has pledged to get tough on fly tipping
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