Sheffield Heritage Champion and Labour Councillor Janet Ridler is urging the Council to step in and protect the much loved Mappin’s Coffee house from demolition.
The move follows a request by developers KMS Estates Ltd to fast track the demolition of Mappin’s Coffee House on 136-138 London Road.
Labour Cllr Janet Ridler, Sheffield Heritage Champion said:
‘I will be asking for an Article 4 Direction to be made as a matter of urgency. Without this as things now stand the developers can move in on 6th April and demolish the building’
‘Heritage buildings contribute to the city’s character and also its economic wealth. Demolishing this heritage building would have a detrimental effect on the area’s character and the proposed building would be out of keeping with the surrounding landscape and architecture.’
Ibby Ullah, Labour Candidate for Nether Edge & Sharrow ward said:
‘This building means a lot to the people in my Ward.’
Its original function as a cocoa and coffee house is an important part of Sheffield’s working-class heritage as it was a place where working-class families could meet other than in the pub – it was built for the working man. It’s important as the first Cocoa and Coffee House in Sheffield and an early example of its type nationally.’
The building is an important historic asset to the city and local people have said it should be appropriately and sensitively restored and renovated, so that its new use reflects its heritage’
Councillor Nighat Basharat, Labour Councillor for Nether Edge and Sharrow said:
‘The developers application appears to be an attempt to bypass public scrutiny of the threat to this important building and to ride roughshod over the wishes of the large number of members of the public who have opposed the main application. So I am fighting to make sure their voices are heard
‘It also undermines the democratic process as it would mean that elected members on the planning committee would not have the chance to consider the planning application’
‘I will be working with colleagues Ibby Ullah and Cllr Ridler to ensure that any development is appropriate and benefits local people.’