Sheffield Lib Dems are launching their latest attack on Sheffield’s public services with a proposal to put a moratorium on any further insourcing of council services, at Wednesday’s Full Council meeting.
Labour have a clear position of insourcing it is possible and have insourced a number of services in recent years and have pledged to oppose the Lib Dems plans.
Labour have put forward their policy proposals for the coming year to put power in the hands of our communities through Local Area Committees, invest more in young people, support local district centres, tackle the climate emergency and make our communities safer. The Lib Dems response is to put forward a proposal to stop insourcing.
Councillor Terry Fox, Leader of Sheffield City Council, said:
“We’ve been really pleased to be able to bring a number of our services back in house to be run by the council over recent years, whether it be customer services, council housing, youth services or HR and payroll, we believe that we can provide better public services more efficiently in house.
“After spending five years in government with the Conservatives slashing our councils budget along with other public services, spending years attacking trade union representation for Sheffield workers, the Lib Dems latest attack on our public services is to try to derail any moves to bring public services back into the council.
“This is a really disappointing proposal to put forward when our public services have done so much over the past year. Whilst Labour are putting Sheffield first and delivering for the city, the Lib Dems continue to play party politics.”
- Please see below the Lib Dem proposal
Amendment to be moved by Councillor Shaffaq Mohammed, seconded by Councillor Martin Smith |
That the Motion now submitted be amended by:- |
1. the deletion of paragraph (c) and the addition of new paragraphs (c) and (d) as follows:- |
(c) recognises the challenges of multi-party administration and believes that an agreement between parties to work together should be based on an agreed policy platform that will work for the people of Sheffield; |
(d) believes that such a policy platform should include the following:- |
(i) an independent inquiry into the management of the street trees dispute led by someone of the status of a retired judge and held in public; |
(ii) implement the recommendations in the ARUP report setting the path to making Sheffield carbon neutral by 2030; |
(iii) to secure jobs and businesses in the city as we come out of lockdown, no additional taxes on local business, such as a workplace parking levy; |
(iv) a moratorium on further insourcing of council services without applying Best Value principles, and a policy review to determine the best value approach to services in future, whether delivered in-house, through strategic partnerships, or competitively tendered; |